Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ranchhands Visit PCC

Romance made a pit-stop at PCC Saturday night when recently affianced Tony Long and Karen Urban dropped in from "Long Ranch." The soon-to-be newlyweds added a stop in Highland County to their active travel calendar.

Tony and Karen indulged our questions about their spring break trip to Nashville and their upcoming jaunt to Italy. Their Italy trip sounds like it will be the perfect balance of planning and improvisation, a reflection of their personalities and approach to life.

They brought a grill with them and Tony grilled t-bone steaks to perfection married with baked potatoes, salad, and Greg Norman Shiraz. Blueberry pie a la mode served as a perfect night cap.

Following dinner Tony took me into Greenfield and introduced me to Furman's.... it's Rod's Capricorn Inn meets Waffle House meets Frisch's meets Cheers. It was quite obvious that we were not regulars though the staff and guests were very accommodating. A double decker cheeseburger is a must during my next visit.

Sunday morning greeted us a bit more quickly than any of us would have preferred as both the dogs and Eli interrupted our abilities to sleep in. I made maple cured bacon and crepes from batter Carrie had prepared the night before. We filled them with fresh strawberries and Cool Whip. (Nothing like a killer desert for breakfast!)

Karen and Tony were able to take their time getting ready for the day and left around 10:00 with conversation about a possible trip to IKEA later in the day... each of our last two Saturday evening guests have been inspired to shop IKEA after a night at PCC. We wear this as a badge of honor, although we have since learned that Tony and Karen's trip fell short landing in Field's Ertel.

If not before... we will insist on having Tony and Karen back to PCC for a full debriefing following their June trip to Italy. Spending time with them was a genuine pleasure.

1 comment:

Mrs. Long said...

Dear Eli's Dad,
You have done an amazing job with words at capturing the ambiance and friendship that surrounded us last weekend at the PCC. The collection of words associated with marriage was a nice are so many of the small details that you have included at PCC. What a wonderful way to bring family and friends together for good food, good times, and sweet memories. We are so looking forward to our next visit.
Yours Truly,
The Romantic Ranchers!